Every breast cancer experience is unique

Based on your answers, your doctor may recommend different treatment options.

At least one of the following is true:

  • I have been diagnosed with breast cancer
  • The tumor is not node positive, inflammatory, or larger than two centimeters

Learn more about your condition

The more you know about your unique condition, the more you can prepare for whatever lies ahead. As you prepare to discuss your condition with your doctor, here are some resources you may find helpful. This is a partial list of some cancer support organizations. They are not controlled by, endorsed by, or affiliated with Genentech, Inc. The list is meant for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace your healthcare professional’s medical advice. Ask your doctor or your healthcare team any questions you have about your cancer or treatment plan.

American Cancer Society
Information for people living with cancer, as well as families, friends, and survivors.
This website is dedicated to providing reliable and current medical information about treatment options, symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Support and information for people who are newly diagnosed, in treatment, years beyond treatment, or living with breast cancer.
A network of breast and other cancer survivors who want to share their experience with others.
Susan G. Komen
Information for people living with cancer, families, friends, and survivors.
Young Survival Coalition
An organization dedicated to critical issues in young women with breast cancer.

At least one of the following is true:

  • I have been diagnosed with breast cancer
  • The tumor is not node positive, inflammatory, or larger than two centimeters